Zero Waste

The Waiheke Community Childcare Centre cares for the health of the planet and the world our children will inherit.

The Waiheke Ostend Market is our mainstay fundraiser and key public event. We are committed to minimising the environmental impact of the Market, both as a way of role modelling to our children and the public, in keeping with our philosophy of caring for and protecting our island and planet.

With support and guidance from the Waiheke Waste Resources Trust and Auckland Council, we have developed Zero Waste Stations at the Market. With co-operation we are working towards ZeroWaste at the Waiheke Ostend Market.



Good to Go

At Waiheke Ostend Market we support moving towards a more sustainable world.

Our stall holders use reusable cups and plates, which we encourage visitors to bring to the waste station. Our zero waste team are on site every Saturday to help sort all the waste and reduce, reuse and recycle.

Become a volunteer

Both the Waiheke Community Childcare Centre and Waiheke Ostend Market care for the health of the planet and the world our children will inherit. The Market is our mainstay fundraiser and key public event. We are committed to minimising the environmental impact of the Market both as a way of role modelling to our children and the public and in keeping with our philosophy and caring for and protecting our island and planet. With support and guidance from the Waiheke Waste Resources Trust and Auckland City Council, we have developed Zero Waste Stations at the Market which are run by volunteers, and we have reduced the amount of waste sent to landfill tremendously.